International Collaborations

MS Research Australia works with the broader national and international scientific and health professional community to identify key scientific questions that no one researcher can solve in isolation.

To address these questions we help support and fund major national collaborations, what we call ‘Platforms’, to accelerate progress in these key areas of Australian research strengths. This ensures that we complement the world-wide research effort without duplication, fund a highly focused initiative with clear goals and timeframes and identify potential obstacles and solutions to overcome them quickly.

These are often major bodies of work that other funding agencies don’t have the right grant mechanisms to fund or consider ‘too risky’ to fund, but have the potential to yield the greatest outcomes for people with MS. MS Research Australia’s Platforms approach has changed the way MS researchers can do MS research in Australia.


ANZgene is a major genetics collaboration across Australia and New Zealand looking for genes involved in susceptibility and progression of MS.


International Progressive MS Alliance

The International Progressive MS Alliance is a global initiative to end progressive MS. The Alliance brings together the world’s leading experts and MS organisations to drive the research agenda and fund research to accelerate solutions for people living with progressive forms of MS.


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International Collaborations